Find the domain of the function

g(x)= 1/6-5x

I know that x is a real number but I need the domain please.

To find the domain of the function g(x) = 1/(6-5x), we need to determine the values of x that are allowed. The function will be undefined for any value of x that results in dividing by zero, as division by zero is not defined.

In this case, the function g(x) will be undefined when the denominator, 6-5x, equals zero. So, we need to solve the equation:

6 - 5x = 0

To find the solution, we subtract 6 from both sides of the equation:

-5x = -6

Now, divide both sides of the equation by -5:

x = -6 / -5

x = 6/5

Thus, x = 6/5 is the value that makes the denominator zero. Therefore, the domain of the function g(x) is all real numbers, except x = 6/5. In interval notation, we can express this as (-∞, 6/5) ∪ (6/5, +∞).