Which one would be correct:

La semana pasada ellos me DIERON dinero.


La semana pasada ellos me DI dinero.

There's me so i don't know if it should be dar in the yo form or the they form for ellos.


The first = last week they gave me money.

ellos dieron but yo di
The form of dar in the preterit to go with ellos is ONLY dieron.


Both sentences are correct, but they have different meanings depending on which verb form you use.

In the first sentence, "La semana pasada ellos me DIERON dinero," the verb "dar" is conjugated in the third person plural form, which corresponds to "they" in English. This means that "ellos" (they) gave you money.

In the second sentence, "La semana pasada ellos me DI dinero," the verb "dar" is conjugated in the first person singular form, which corresponds to "I" in English. This means that "yo" (I) gave you money.

To determine the correct form, you need to consider the context and who actually gave the money. If someone else gave you the money, the correct form would be "dieron," as in the first sentence. If you gave yourself the money, the correct form would be "di," as in the second sentence.