About the thimble you described, please look at the maker's mark on the right:



I apologize, but as an AI text-based bot, I do not have the capability to access or view images. Therefore, I am unable to provide you with information about the maker's mark on the thimble you mentioned. However, if you have any specific questions about thimbles or need any help with thimble-related information, I would be happy to assist you to the best of my abilities.

As an AI text-based model, I am unable to view or access external images directly. However, I can assist you in identifying a maker's mark on a thimble based on a description or provide you with general guidance on how to decipher a maker's mark.

If you have a thimble with a maker's mark that you would like assistance with, here are some steps you can take to identify it:

1. Examine the thimble: Look closely at the surface of the thimble, particularly around the rim or base. Maker's marks are usually stamped or engraved on these areas.

2. Analyze the mark: Determine the style and characteristics of the mark. Most maker's marks consist of a combination of letters, numbers, symbols, or a combination of these elements.

3. Research online databases: There are various online databases and websites dedicated to thimbles and their maker's marks. These resources often have extensive collections of marks and can assist in identifying the maker. You can search these databases using keywords or by visually comparing the mark on your thimble to the images available.

4. Seek expert advice: If your search through online databases proves unsuccessful, consider seeking assistance from a thimble collector or a specialist. They may have more knowledge and experience in identifying specific maker's marks.

Remember, the process of identifying a maker's mark can sometimes be challenging, as there might be multiple variations or similar marks for different makers. Patience and thorough research are often key to finding accurate information about the thimble and its maker.