A 55.6g sample of water is cooled from 50 degrees C to 35.5 degrees C.

How many calories released?
How many kilocalories?
How many joules?

To find the amount of heat released by the water when it cools, you can use the formula:

Q = mcΔT

Q is the amount of heat released or absorbed
m is the mass of the substance (water in this case)
c is the specific heat capacity of the substance
ΔT is the change in temperature

First, let's find the amount of heat released in calories:

Mass of water (m) = 55.6g
Change in temperature (ΔT) = 50°C - 35.5°C = 14.5°C

The specific heat capacity of water (c) is approximately 1 calorie/gram·°C.

Q = mcΔT
Q = (55.6g)(1 calorie/gram·°C)(14.5°C)
Q ≈ 805.4 calories

So, the amount of heat released by the water is approximately 805.4 calories.

To convert calories to kilocalories, you can divide the value by 1000 since 1 kilocalorie is equal to 1000 calories.

805.4 calories ÷ 1000 = 0.8054 kilocalories

Therefore, the amount of heat released by the water is approximately 0.8054 kilocalories.

To convert calories to joules, you can use the conversion factor where 1 calorie is equal to 4.184 joules.

Q = 805.4 calories × 4.184 joules/calorie
Q ≈ 3371.126 joules

So, the amount of heat released by the water is approximately 3371.126 joules.