If two jobs are upon you which one do you take the more sucessful one which you do not like the actions taking place or the less sucessful one which you kinda like.

I'd sure choose the career I like best.

What would you do?

i think i would do the same thanks

Choosing between two jobs can be a tricky situation, as it involves weighing your own personal preferences against professional success. To make an informed decision, it's important to consider a few factors:

1. Evaluate your long-term goals: Think about what you want to achieve in your career. Consider which job aligns more closely with your career aspirations. If the more successful job offers opportunities for growth, advancement, or learning, it may be worth considering despite not liking certain aspects of it.

2. Assess your priorities: Reflect on what matters most to you in a job. Is it financial stability, professional development, work-life balance, or personal fulfillment? Identify which factors are non-negotiable for you. This will help prioritize your choices.

3. Consider the impact on your well-being: Think about how each job may affect your overall happiness and satisfaction. While success is important, being in a job with tasks or actions you strongly dislike can lead to stress and burnout. Take into account the potential long-term impact on your mental and emotional well-being.

4. Explore compromises: Is there any room for negotiation or discussion with either employer? If there are aspects of the more successful job that you dislike, but are negotiable, you could try discussing these concerns with the employer to find potential solutions or compromises.

Ultimately, the decision rests on your individual circumstances, goals, and values. It may be helpful to create a pros and cons list for each job, mapping out both the short-term and long-term implications of each choice. Additionally, seeking advice from trusted individuals, such as mentors or career counselors, can provide valuable insights and perspectives.