What two major political groups make up the caribbean countries?

please help .thanks

In the Caribbean, the two major political groupings are:

1. CARICOM (Caribbean Community): CARICOM is an organization consisting of 15 member countries in the Caribbean region. Its primary objective is to promote economic integration and cooperation among its member states. CARICOM aims to enhance collaboration in areas such as trade, foreign policy coordination, disaster management, and human and social development.

2. Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS): The OECS is a sub-regional organization that includes seven independent states in the Eastern Caribbean. Its members are Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and Montserrat. The OECS focuses on economic and political integration, as well as social and cultural cooperation.

To find information about political groupings in Caribbean countries, you can:

1. Research on official government websites: Visit the official websites of individual countries or regional organizations like CARICOM and OECS. These websites often provide detailed information about the political landscape, including member countries, objectives, and ongoing initiatives.

2. Consult reputable news sources: Look for reliable news outlets that cover the Caribbean region. They often report on political developments, including major political groupings and their activities.

3. Engage with academic research and publications: Check out scholarly articles, books, and academic journals that focus on Caribbean politics. These sources provide in-depth analyses and insights into the political dynamics within the region.

Remember, the political landscape can evolve over time, so it is advisable to keep updated with recent developments through reliable sources.