Can you please check this sentence for me, please? Thank you for your invaluable help.

1) I like this singer for his determination and energy transmitted (?) during his concerts. In spite of his illness, which affected the last years of his life, he remained faithful to his fans, continuing to do tours and albums and showing off his courage.
2) Can you suggest to me expressions you are likely to use in a clothes shop? Examples: Do you have a bigger size? Do you have these jeans in blue? Can I try these jeans on? Where are the changing rooms? Do they fit me? Do they look nice on me?

Your first sentence is correct.

Other expressions:

Do you have dressier blouses?
I'd like a shirt with French cuffs.
I'm looking for business casual clothes.

Sure! Let's check the first sentence:

1) I like this singer for his determination and energy transmitted during his concerts. In spite of his illness, which affected the last years of his life, he remained faithful to his fans, continuing to do tours and albums and showing off his courage.

This sentence is grammatically correct, but there is a small issue with clarity. The phrase "energy transmitted" might be better phrased as "energy he conveys" or "energy he projects" to make it clearer. Additionally, instead of saying "showing off his courage," it might be better to say "demonstrating his courage" for more clarity and precision.

So, a revised version of the sentence could be:

1) I like this singer for his determination and energy he conveys during his concerts. Despite his illness, which affected the last years of his life, he remained faithful to his fans, continuing to do tours and albums and demonstrating his courage.

Now, let's move on to the second question:

2) Can you suggest expressions you are likely to use in a clothes shop? Examples: Do you have a bigger size? Do you have these jeans in blue? Can I try these jeans on? Where are the changing rooms? Do they fit me? Do they look nice on me?

The question is asking for suggestions for expressions commonly used in a clothes shop. The given examples are good starting points. Here are some additional expressions you can use:

- Do you have this in a different color?
- What is the price of this item?
- Are there any discounts available?
- Can you help me find a specific style/size?
- Can you recommend something that goes well with this?
- Can I see this item in the mirror?
- Can I pay by credit card/cash?
- Can I return/exchange this item if it doesn't fit?

Remember that these are just suggestions, and you can modify them based on your specific needs or preferences.