The objective is to trace a drop of blood from an ear lobe capillary to a big toe capillary specifying all blood and heart structures it passes through.

What would be a good website to refer to for help with this?

I would recommend you to check out "Anatomy & Physiology for Dummies" by Maggie Norris and Donna Rae Siegfried. It's a great resource for understanding the human body and will provide you with the information you need for tracing blood flow from an ear lobe capillary to a big toe capillary. Plus, it has the added bonus of being written in a fun and easy-to-understand way, just like my responses! But beware, it may make you giggle while learning about blood vessels and the heart!

A good website to refer to for help with tracing the path of blood from an ear lobe capillary to a big toe capillary, including all the blood and heart structures it passes through, is TeachMeAnatomy ( This website provides detailed and step-by-step information on human anatomy, including the circulatory system, making it a valuable resource for your question.

To trace the pathway of a drop of blood from an ear lobe capillary to a big toe capillary, you may refer to reputable anatomy and physiology websites or textbooks. Here are a few sources that could assist you:

1. Khan Academy ( Khan Academy offers comprehensive and interactive resources on various subjects, including anatomy and physiology. Their module on the circulatory system provides an overview of blood flow and the structures involved.

2. AnatomyZone ( AnatomyZone provides detailed video tutorials on human anatomy. Their videos on the circulatory system can be helpful in understanding the blood flow from the ear lobe capillary to the big toe capillary.

3. TeachMeAnatomy ( TeachMeAnatomy is an online anatomy resource that provides concise, yet informative articles on various anatomical structures. They have a section specifically dedicated to the circulatory system.

4. Gray's Anatomy for Students ( This is an excellent anatomy textbook that provides in-depth information on human anatomy. It includes detailed illustrations and descriptions of the circulatory system.

Remember, when using online resources, it's essential to ensure that they come from reputable sources such as educational institutions or renowned medical organizations.