We just learned equations & inequalities today and im so confused on how to do it!will someone help me??? -5 + 2 < -2

Is this a true/false or did you make a typo? -5+2 equals -3, which is less than -2, so this would be true. If that's not the problem, please retype it.

Equations and inequalities work exactly the same way, except when multiplying or dividing by a negative number. In that case, the carat (<>) is reversed.

< = is less than what follows

> = is more than what follows

Of course, I can help you with that! Understanding equations and inequalities is essential in algebra. Let's break down the inequality you provided and solve it step by step.

The inequality you have is: -5 + 2 < -2.

To solve this inequality, we need to isolate the variable, in this case, you don't have a variable, only numbers. We'll work with the numbers on each side of the inequality.

-5 + 2 < -2 can be simplified as -3 < -2.

To check if this inequality is true or false, simply compare the numbers. In this case, -3 is less than -2, so the inequality is true.

So, the inequality -5 + 2 < -2 is true.

If you have any further questions or need assistance with other equations or inequalities, feel free to ask!