which group believed the language of article 10 of the treaty of versailles contradicted the power of congress to declare war?



The group that believed the language of Article 10 of the Treaty of Versailles contradicted the power of Congress to declare war was the "Reservationists" in the United States Senate. To find this answer, you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the context: The Treaty of Versailles was a peace treaty signed after World War I. It established the terms for peace and imposed obligations on the defeated powers.

2. Research Article 10: Article 10 of the Treaty of Versailles established the League of Nations, which was an international organization aimed at maintaining world peace. It obligated member countries to assist any member that was threatened with aggression.

3. Examine the debate in the US Senate: After the treaty was signed, the US Senate had to ratify it. However, there was considerable opposition to Article 10 among some senators who believed it would undermine the power of Congress to declare war, as it committed the United States to act militarily without the approval of Congress.

4. Identify the group: The group that opposed Article 10 and believed it contradicted congressional power to declare war was known as the "Reservationists." These senators, led by Henry Cabot Lodge, argued that the language of Article 10 infringed upon the US Constitution's separation of powers.

By conducting research on the Treaty of Versailles, its articles, and the debates in the US Senate, you can uncover the group that held this belief. Additionally, examining historical sources, such as speeches or written statements from that time, will provide more in-depth information about their arguments.