Matt used 2 hundreds, 18 tens, and 4 ones to model a number. What number did matt model?

Use a model.

Your answer is _______.

To find the number that Matt modeled, we need to understand the place value system. In the place value system, each digit in a number represents a specific value based on its position. The value of each digit depends on its place, such as ones, tens, hundreds, etc.

In this case, Matt used 2 hundreds, 18 tens, and 4 ones to model a number. Let's break this down:

- 2 hundreds: Each hundred represents 100, so 2 hundreds would be 200.
- 18 tens: Each ten represents 10, so 18 tens would be 180.
- 4 ones: Each one represents 1, so 4 ones would be 4.

To find the total number Matt modeled, we need to add the values from the hundreds, tens, and ones places together:

200 (from the 2 hundreds) + 180 (from the 18 tens) + 4 (from the 4 ones) = 384

Therefore, Matt modeled the number 384.