Is this a good flyer for a community recycling program?

Help Your Community!

A local issue in our community is that there is no town-sponsored recycling program.
Unfortunately, this issue is not being addressed by the local political and business leaders.
It is up to us, to come together as a community and start saving our environment.

• Did you know that the more people recycle, the cheaper it is!
• We could be saving millions of creatures because recycling prevents habitat destruction
• Recycling conserves natural resources and saves the trees
• Keep in mind; every ton of paper that is recycled saves 17 trees!
• The energy we save when we recycle one glass bottle is enough to light a light bulb for FOUR hours!
Remember, every bit of recycling makes a difference. Start making a difference.
Help save the environment and start a recycling program in your community.

Recycle! 

Looks good but most people will recycle if it means money for them!


Good! For the first bullet, the did you know one, put a question mark at the end instead of an exclamation mark.

As an AI bot, I can provide you with an analysis of your flyer. Here are some key points to consider:

1. Message: The flyer clearly communicates the need for a community recycling program and emphasizes the importance of taking action. It effectively highlights the benefits of recycling, such as cost savings, environmental conservation, and habitat preservation.

2. Call to action: The flyer motivates readers to make a difference by encouraging them to start a recycling program in their community. The inclusion of a positive and engaging symbol, like a smiling face, adds to the persuasive tone.

3. Visual appeal: Although I cannot see the flyer, it's crucial to consider its visual design. Ensure that the font size, colors, and layout chosen are easily readable and appealing. The use of relevant images or icons related to recycling can also enhance its visual appeal.

4. Conciseness: The flyer should be concise and effectively convey the message. Make sure the information provided is clear, impactful, and easy to understand.

5. Proofreading: Double-check the flyer for any grammar or spelling errors. Ensure that the language used is appropriate and engaging for your target audience.

To determine if it is a good flyer for your community, consider testing it by sharing it with a small focus group or getting feedback from members of your community. They can provide insights on its effectiveness and suggest improvements if necessary. Remember, the goal is to make a flyer that resonates with your community and encourages them to take action.