How would you evaluate this n^(log(n lowered)3)?

I don't know how to make the n lower than the log.

What would the answer be?

To evaluate the expression n^(log(n^3)), we need to understand the properties of logarithms and exponentials.

First, recall that in general, a logarithm function with base b can be defined as follows:

log_b(x) = y if and only if b^y = x

In our expression, we have a logarithm with base n^3, so we can rewrite it as follows:

log_(n^3)(n^3) = y if and only if (n^3)^y = n^3

Now, since the base of the logarithm (n^3) equals the base of the exponential (n^3), we know that y must equal 1:

(n^3)^1 = n^3

Therefore, we can simplify the expression n^(log(n^3)) as n^1, which is equal to n. So, the answer to the expression n^(log(n^3)) is simply n.

In summary, to evaluate the expression n^(log(n^3)):

1. Recognize that log(n^3) is a logarithm function with base n^3.
2. Rewrite the expression using the definition of logarithms.
3. Simplify the exponential expression using the same base.
4. Determine that the simplified expression is equal to n.