Do you diagram it like this.

Sentence: Raise your hand if you can hear the music.

:_if_ \your


**************:_if_ \your


The first "You" is the omitted subject, which is not needed in an imperative sentence. The location of the "the" and "your" modifiers is wrong. They modify the objects, not the verb. Otherwise OK.

This is the best site I have seen online that will show you how to diagram many different grammatical set-ups.

This one will help, too -- -- but the first one is clearer.

No, a sentence diagram for the sentence "Raise your hand if you can hear the music" would look slightly different. Here's how you can diagram it:

1. Start by drawing a horizontal line. This line represents the base of the diagram.

2. On the left side of the line, write the subject "you" and draw a diagonal line that slants upwards to the right. This line represents the verb "raise."

3. On a slightly lower level than the "raise" line, draw a horizontal line that extends to the right. This line represents the direct object "hand."

4. From the horizontal line representing "raise," draw a diagonal line that slants upwards to the right. This line represents the conjunction "if."

5. Below the "if" line, write the subject "you" and draw a diagonal line that slants diagonally downwards to the right. This line represents the verb phrase "can hear."

6. On a slightly lower level than the "can hear" line, draw a horizontal line that extends to the right. This line represents the direct object "music."

7. Finally, draw a diagonal line that connects the "can hear" line to the "music" line, representing the article "the."

So, the sentence diagram for "Raise your hand if you can hear the music" would look like this:

you raise hand
| | |
if | |
can hear music
\ /