
check this

Your first statement is not an equation since there is nothing to the right of the = sign. You also need to show parentheses to clarify meaning.

There is no unique solution to what you wrote.


the problem is 3 is over2y then minus 3 over 2y+4 then I work it out. I want someone to check and see if it right.

You cannot solve for y unless there is an "=" sign and something on the other side of it.

You should have written your problem
3/(2y) - 3/(2y+4) = (some constant)

If the constant is zero, then there is no solution for y, because 2y + 4 cannot equal 2y.

If all you are trying to do is rewrite
3/(2y) - 3/(2y+4) with a common denominator, you should have said so.

To check whether y = 1/8 is a solution to the equation 3/2y - 3/2y + 4 = 0, substitute the value of y into the equation and see if both sides are equal.

Substituting y = 1/8 into the equation, we have:

3/2(1/8) - 3/2(1/8) + 4 = 0

To simplify the equation, we perform the arithmetic operations step by step:

(3/2) * (1/8) = 3/16
(3/2) * (1/8) = 3/16

Now, the equation becomes:

3/16 - 3/16 + 4 = 0

Subtracting the fractions gives:

0 + 4 = 0

Since 4 is not equal to 0, we can conclude that y = 1/8 is not a valid solution for the equation 3/2y - 3/2y + 4 = 0.

It is possible that there was an error in the calculations or in the original equation.