a computer store sold 300 items -store sold 6 times asa many hard drives as theyn did cd-rom drives and half as many floppy dtives as hard drives how many of each item

To find out how many of each item were sold, we can set up a system of equations based on the given information.

Let's represent the number of CD-ROM drives as x, the number of hard drives as y, and the number of floppy drives as z.

From the given information, we can conclude:
- The store sold 6 times as many hard drives as CD-ROM drives: y = 6x
- The number of floppy drives was half the number of hard drives: z = (1/2)y

We also know that the total number of items sold is 300: x + y + z = 300

We can now solve this system of equations.

First, substitute y in terms of x into the equation representing the number of floppy drives: z = (1/2)y
Substituting y = 6x into the equation: z = (1/2)(6x) = 3x

Now we can substitute the values of x and z into the equation representing the total number of items sold: x + y + z = 300
x + (6x) + (3x) = 300
10x = 300
x = 30

Since x represents the number of CD-ROM drives, there were 30 CD-ROM drives sold.

Substituting this value of x into the equation representing the number of hard drives: y = 6x
y = 6(30) = 180

So, there were 180 hard drives sold.

Finally, substituting the values of x and z into the equation representing the number of floppy drives: z = 3x
z = 3(30) = 90

Therefore, there were 90 floppy drives sold.

In conclusion, the store sold 30 CD-ROM drives, 180 hard drives, and 90 floppy drives.