how to find the formula for internet users per subscriber (average) if the internet subscribers (1000s) and internet users (1000s) are 11401 and 67510 respectively.

11,401*1000/(67510*1000) = 11,401/67,510 = 0.169 users/subscriber

That seems like a low value for subscribers to anything, these days.

In the USA, there were 227,719,000 Internet users as of August/09, 74.1% of the population, according to Nielsen.

The(1000s) part, they cancel each other out. So its just 11401/67510 = 5.92 (average). eg: In a spreadsheet =c2/b2 please correct me if am wrong x

To find the formula for internet users per subscriber (average), you can use the ratio of internet users to internet subscribers. Here's how you can calculate it:

1. First, divide the number of internet users (67510) by the number of internet subscribers (11401):
Average = Internet Users / Internet Subscribers

2. Plug in the values:
Average = 67510 / 11401

3. Simplify the calculation:
Average = 5.92

The formula for internet users per subscriber (average) is:
Average = 5.92

Therefore, based on the given data, the average number of internet users per subscriber is approximately 5.92.