I am writing a speech because I am running for student council vice president. The speech is pretty good but I think it needs some humor. Do you have any suggestions?

p.s. The voters are in elementary school.

This site has some pretty cool jokes.


I had a friend run for student council president last year, He won, during his speech he did a country accent, :) just a suggestion

Of course! Injecting some humor into your speech for an elementary school audience is a great idea. Here are a few suggestions to add a touch of humor:

1. Start with a joke: Open your speech with a light-hearted joke or a funny anecdote that relates to your campaign or the responsibilities of a vice president. For example: "Why did the pencil run for student council? Because it wanted to be the 'write' hand to the president!"

2. Use humorous comparisons: Make humorous comparisons to emphasize your points. For instance, you could say, "Being vice president is like being the Robin to Batman. I may not wear a cape, but I'll always have your back and fight for what's best for our school!"

3. Incorporate funny references: Sneak in some references to popular cartoons, movies, or superheroes that elementary school students can relate to. It will grab their attention and make them smile. Just make sure it aligns with the overall message of your speech.

4. Add some light-hearted anecdotes: Share funny stories about your own experiences at school or memorable moments that will resonate with your elementary school audience. Keep it age-appropriate, positive, and relatable.

5. Integrate visual aids: If possible, use visual aids like props or drawings to add humor to your speech. Visual elements can help engage your audience and make your message more entertaining.

Remember, the key is to keep the humor light, positive, and suitable for the audience. Gauge their reaction during your practice sessions to fine-tune the jokes and ensure they are well-received. Good luck with your speech and your campaign!

Adding humor to your student council speech can be a great way to engage your audience, especially younger elementary school voters. Here are a few suggestions to help you add humor to your speech:

1. Personal anecdotes: Share a funny story or experience from your life that relates to your role as vice president. It could be something silly or embarrassing but remember to keep it light and appropriate for the age group.

2. Puns and wordplay: Play around with words and use puns to add humor to your speech. You can use puns related to school subjects, popular movies, or even current trends that kids might find funny.

3. Visual aids: Incorporate fun visual aids like props, cartoons, or memes into your speech. You can use funny pictures or illustrations that relate to your main points to grab the attention and make the audience laugh.

4. Jokes and one-liners: Include a couple of age-appropriate jokes or one-liners throughout your speech. These can be simple, light-hearted jokes that elementary school students would understand and find amusing.

5. Interactive moments: Engage your audience with some audience participation opportunities. For example, you can ask a funny question and let them respond, or create opportunities for brief, playful interactions during your speech.

Remember, it's essential to balance humor with your overall message and goals. Ensure that the humor adds value to your speech and doesn't distract from your main points. Practice your speech in front of friends or family members to gauge their reaction and make necessary adjustments.