James spent most of his time with his spouse at the botanic gardens. Is the verb in this phrase just "his" or are there more

"His" is a possessive pronoun, while the verb is "spent" (showing an action or state of being).

The verb "to spend" = spent is the verb


In the phrase "James spent most of his time with his spouse at the botanic gardens," there are several verbs present.

The main verb is "spent," which shows the action James was performing. It indicates that James used or consumed a certain amount of time.

Additionally, there is another verb phrase "with his spouse," where the verb is "spent" again, but now with the preposition "with" indicating the person James was spending his time with.

Furthermore, there is a prepositional phrase "at the botanic gardens," where the preposition "at" establishes the location of the spending, and "gardens" is a noun acting as the object of the preposition.

To identify the main verb, look for the action or state of being word that drives the meaning of the sentence. In this case, the main verb is "spent," which expresses the primary action of James using his time.