
Scientific notation. DIvide. My answer is 2 is this right.

scientific notation is when you set the number times a power of 10.

100 = 1*10^2
.0003 = 3*10^-4

so your answer should be
Which in scientific notation is 5*10^-3

I would recommend looking at scientific notation online.


8.4 times 10 - 6

To calculate the division of two numbers, such as 0.000042 divided by 0.0084, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Perform the division:

0.000042 / 0.0084 = 0.005

Step 2: Convert the result to scientific notation:

0.005 can be written in scientific notation as 5 x 10^(-3).

Therefore, the correct scientific notation for the division of 0.000042 by 0.0084 is 5 x 10^(-3). Based on your calculation, you stated that the answer is 2. However, this is not correct. The correct value in scientific notation is 5 x 10^(-3), indicating the decimal point is shifted 3 places to the left.