Based on knowledge of John Locke, why did there exist among some humans the desire to debase and murder Jews during the Holocaust?

I know that Locke believed all people are born good, and they are entitled to life libierty, and property, but how does this relate to the Holocaust?

To understand why some humans desired to debase and murder Jews during the Holocaust, it is important to go beyond John Locke's philosophy and look at the historical, social, and political context that led to such acts. While Locke's belief in the inherent goodness of individuals may contribute to our understanding of human nature, it does not directly explain the motives behind such atrocities.

The Holocaust, which occurred during World War II under Nazi Germany, was driven primarily by Adolf Hitler's ideology of racial superiority and anti-Semitism. The Nazi regime propagated a systematic and deeply rooted hatred towards Jews, blaming them for Germany's economic and social problems. This ideology, combined with political opportunism, propaganda, and a climate of fear and obedience, created an environment in which ordinary people carried out or supported acts of violence against Jews.

Understanding the Holocaust requires examining a combination of factors such as historical circumstances, political manipulation, social conditioning, economic struggles, and the psychology of individuals. It is not solely about innate human goodness or evil discussed by Locke or any other philosophical thinker.

To delve deeper into the causes of the Holocaust, it is crucial to study historical accounts, testimonies, scholarly research, and authoritative sources that shed light on the intricate web of factors involved. Sociological, psychological, and historical disciplines can help provide a more comprehensive understanding of the motivations and mindset of those responsible for the persecution and mass murder of Jews during this dark chapter of history.