I'm doing an ABC book with words from the Medieval Ages, and I can't find any word that starts with X.

I've been searching online, but I haven't found any.. Help?

St. Francis Xavier


What large city is northeast of New York City?

Bob , there are a number. Go to Google, Maps and check for large cities that are north and farther east than NYC>

I am doing an ABC book to for Florida and i need a word for the letter X to. IT is due MAY 26 , 2010!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need HELP PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ THANKS :)

X-mas, for christmas because they were so religious

Sure! Finding a word that starts with the letter "X" from the Medieval Ages can be a bit challenging as it was not a commonly used letter during that time. However, there are a few words from that era that you could consider:

1. Xenophobia: Though xenophobia as a concept existed during the Medieval Ages, the actual word "xenophobia" did not originate until the late 19th century. Nevertheless, you can provide a brief explanation in your ABC book about the fear or dislike of foreigners and use "xenophobia" to represent the letter "X."

2. Xystus: Xystus is an alternative spelling for "exhedra" or "exedra." It refers to a semi-circular portico or garden walkway that was popular in Roman and Byzantine architecture. While it might not be directly connected to the Medieval Ages, it can be used as a representation for the letter "X."

Remember, the goal of an ABC book is to introduce and educate readers about various topics. Although the letter "X" may not have many direct options from the Medieval Ages, you can explain the scarcity and provide an alternative word or concept to represent it.