Graph the equation and identify the y-intercept is y=1/4x

To graph the equation y = 1/4x and identify the y-intercept, follow these steps:

Step 1: Choose some values for x.
Select a few values for x to create a set of x-y coordinates. Since the coefficient of x is 1/4, it means that for every 4 units increase in x, there will be a 1 unit increase in y. For simplicity, we can choose multiples of 4 for x.

Let's choose x = -4, 0, and 4.

Step 2: Calculate the corresponding y-values.
Substitute the chosen x-values into the equation y = 1/4x to find the corresponding y-values.

For x = -4:
y = 1/4 * (-4) = -1

For x = 0:
y = 1/4 * 0 = 0

For x = 4:
y = 1/4 * 4 = 1

So, the set of coordinates we have now is (-4, -1), (0, 0), and (4, 1).

Step 3: Plot the points on a graph.
On a coordinate plane, plot the points with the x-values as the horizontal axis and the y-values as the vertical axis. Plot the three points we calculated in the previous step: (-4, -1), (0, 0), and (4, 1).

Step 4: Draw a line through the points.
Once you have plotted the points, draw a straight line passing through them.

Step 5: Identify the y-intercept.
The y-intercept is the point where the line intersects the y-axis. This occurs when x = 0. From our calculations, we know that when x = 0, y = 0. Therefore, the y-intercept is at the point (0, 0).

That's it! You have graphed the equation y = 1/4x and identified the y-intercept.