If today is Tuesday, what integer stands for last Sunday?

Whatever integer stands for Tuesday, subtract 2 from that, unless of course, it is in a different month.

idk the answer so that is why i am on this website

I need help that is why I am here so I can find the answer can someone help me

Idk the answer ahhhh

To find the integer that stands for the last Sunday, you need to know the numbering system used to represent days of the week as integers. One commonly used numbering system is where Sunday is represented as 0, Monday as 1, Tuesday as 2, and so on, with Saturday as 6.

In this system, Sunday is represented by 0, and the numbers increase by 1 for each subsequent day. Therefore, if today is Tuesday (represented by 2), we need to go back two days to find last Sunday.

To get the integer that stands for last Sunday, you can subtract 2 from 0:

0 - 2 = -2

So, the integer that stands for last Sunday when today is Tuesday is -2.

If today is Tuesday, what interger stands for last Sunday

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