the volume of alcohol present in 620 mL of a 40% (v/v) solution of alcohol is ______?

A. 372 mL
B. 40 mL
C. 248 mL
D. 580 mL

What's the definition?

(volume alcohol/volume solvent)x 100 = 40
Substitute and solve for volume alcohol.

Think about what 40% of 620 is, and the URGENCY should go away.

To find the volume of alcohol in a solution, you'll need to multiply the volume of the solution by the percentage of alcohol.

In this case, you have a 40% (v/v) solution of alcohol in 620 mL.

Step 1: Convert the percentage to decimal form by dividing it by 100.
40% รท 100 = 0.4

Step 2: Multiply the volume of the solution by the decimal equivalent of the percentage.
0.4 * 620 mL = 248 mL

Therefore, the volume of alcohol present in 620 mL of a 40% (v/v) solution of alcohol is 248 mL.

The answer is C. 248 mL.