

Are these the right answers?Thanks

1. If it is really (xy)^2/xy, then you are right. If not, it is just y.

2. The two p's cancel each other out = mn

3. The two "c^2" cancel each other out = -5/4d^2

4. The c^3 should be in the denominator rather than the numerator = (-1/6)/(c^3).

To simplify these expressions, you need to follow certain rules of algebra. Let's go through each expression one by one:

1. xy^2/xy:
To simplify this expression, cancel out the common factors in the numerator and denominator. In this case, the common factor is "xy." So, the simplified expression is just "y^2."

2. m^5np/m^4p:
Again, cancel out the common factors in the numerator and denominator. The common factor here is "m^4p." So, divide the numerator and denominator by "m^4p" to simplify the expression. The simplified expression becomes "mnp."

3. 5c^2d^3/-4c^2d:
To simplify this expression, divide the numerator and denominator separately. In this case, the numerator is 5c^2d^3, and the denominator is -4c^2d. Divide 5 by -4, which gives you -5/4 as the numerator. Divide c^2d^3 by c^2d, which gives you d^2 in the numerator and -1 in the denominator. So, the simplified expression is -5/4d^2.

4. -4c^2/24c^5:
Similarly, divide the numerator and denominator separately. The numerator is -4c^2, and the denominator is 24c^5. Divide -4 by 24, which simplifies to -1/6. Divide c^2 by c^5, which simplifies to 1/c^3. So, the simplified expression is -1/6c^3.

Therefore, your answers are:
1. The simplified expression is y^2.
2. The simplified expression is mnp.
3. The simplified expression is -5/4d^2.
4. The simplified expression is -1/6c^3.

These are the correct answers for the given expressions.