what tools did egyptians use to bulid pyramids

The ancient Egyptians used a variety of tools to build the pyramids. Here are some of the main tools they used:

1. Copper chisels: Chisels made of copper were the primary tools used for cutting stone. The Egyptians shaped the stones by pounding the chisels into the surface along marked lines.

2. Wooden sledges: Large stones were transported from quarries to the building site using wooden sledges. These sledges were pulled by groups of workers or by animals, like oxen.

3. Ropes and levers: Ropes made of plant fibers or animal hide were used to hoist the stone blocks into place. Workers also used wooden levers to help move and position the stones.

4. Stone hammers: Stone hammers were used to shape the stones and remove rough edges. These hammers were made of hard stone, like granite, and had a rough surface to help break and shape the stone.

5. Plumb line: To ensure the pyramid walls were straight, the Egyptians used a simple tool called a plumb line. It consisted of a string with a weight hanging at the end. By aligning the weighted string, they could determine if the walls were vertical.

6. Leveling tools: The Egyptians also used leveling tools, such as a simple water level or a wooden frame with strings and a weight, to ensure the surfaces and angles were accurate.

It's important to note that the exact tools and techniques used may have varied throughout the different periods of pyramid construction in ancient Egypt.