1. Refer to the following line m:

b. Name two rays on m that have endpoint B.
d. Find a simpler name for the intersection of rays BA and AC

the line m has points a b and c going on across like that on the line
would the answer be ba and bc?
what would the answer to d be?

I don't understand where or what the rays BA and AC are. If you are talking only about a line m with points on it, what is there to intersect?

Why do you switch from lower case ba and bc to capitals BA and AC?



Thank you for responding. This is what the line looks like but with points where the a b and c are. i thought for finding rays you would use ba as one and bc for the other since a ray is an arrow in one direction and a point at the other? sorry i didn't mean to change to from lower case to capitals. I don't understand about the intersection either that's why i posted so someone could help explain. it wouldn't be vertex would it?

Endpoint apparently means one of the two ends of a line.

BA (or AB) and BC (or CB) both have A as endpoints.

The intersection (common endpoint) of BA and AC is A, but the lines are parallel, so they coincide over the whole length from A to B. You could call A a vertex, but there is no triangle in this case.

I appreciate you taking the time out to answer again but I'm even more confused now. How do I get B as an endpoint and are you saying that the answer to d would be common endpoint? Thanks.

To answer question b, you need to identify two rays on line m that have endpoint B. As mentioned, line m has points A, B, and C. The rays on line m that have endpoint B are BA and BC, since they both start from point B and continue in opposite directions.

Now, for question d, you are asked to find a simpler name for the intersection of rays BA and AC. To do this, you need to determine where rays BA and AC intersect. Since BA starts at B and goes to the left, and AC starts at A and goes to the right, they intersect at point A. Therefore, the simpler name for the intersection of rays BA and AC is simply A.

In summary, the answer to question b is BA and BC, and the answer to question d is A.