article summary on Social Perception and Interpersonal Behavior: On the Self-fulfilling Nature of Social Stereotypes by Snyder, Decker & Berscheid

To get a summary of the article "Social Perception and Interpersonal Behavior: On the Self-fulfilling Nature of Social Stereotypes" by Snyder, Decker, and Berscheid, you would typically need to access the full text of the article. This can be done through academic databases like JSTOR, Google Scholar, or by accessing the article directly from the journal it was published in.

Once you have access to the article, you can read through it to understand its main findings and arguments. However, as an AI text-based model, I don't have direct access to the content of specific articles. Therefore, I cannot provide a detailed summary of this particular article.

However, I can generally explain the topic of the article. "Social Perception and Interpersonal Behavior: On the Self-fulfilling Nature of Social Stereotypes" likely explores the relationship between social perception, interpersonal behavior, and the impact of stereotypes on interactions between individuals. The article might discuss the self-fulfilling nature of social stereotypes, which refers to the idea that individuals tend to conform to the expectations and stereotypes placed upon them by others.

To get a comprehensive summary of the article, it would be best for you to access the full text yourself.