ship is to trip as shout is to


shout is to mouth ou sound

To find the analogy for "shout is to," you need to determine the relationship between the words in the given pair, "ship is to trip." In this analogy, the words "ship" and "trip" have a similar relationship to the words in the second pair.

In the first pair, "ship" is an object or a noun, while "trip" is an action or a verb associated with the object. Similarly, in the second pair, you are looking for a noun that is related to an associated verb.

One possible analogy for "shout" could be "sound." Just as a "ship" is associated with a "trip," a "shout" is associated with a "sound." When someone shouts, it produces a loud sound. Therefore, "sound" is the answer for the analogy, and the completed analogy is "shout is to sound."