I'm doing a short poem on Happiness.

I'm going to work on it after, but I just need a good title for it.

Here is an example of a type of poem I'm trying to do:

Title: Happiness is a Butterfly

Happiness is like a butterfly which, when pursued, is always beyond our grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you.

It seems kind of difficult to think of a poem as good as that.

Titles that I thought for myself are:

-Happiness is a ray of light
-Happiness is a full moon
-Happiness is a lollipop

I don't have much good ones here; Hopefully I will be able to think of better ones overnight. Till then, Can you please give a few suggestions for a good title. Thank you very much for all of your help:-)

It seems like the happiness one has been done. Why don't you try another topic — hope, worry or something else?

Of course! Coming up with a fitting title for your poem can be a creative process. Since you've provided some themes and comparisons in your poem sample, let's try to generate a few title ideas based on those themes:

1. "Chasing Serenity"
2. "Whispers of Bliss"
3. "Unveiling Joy"
4. "Tranquil Wings"
5. "Dancing with Delight"
6. "The Moon's Embrace"
7. "Sweet Moments Profound"
8. "Harmony's Melody"
9. "Infinite Sunshine"
10. "Savoring Life's Candy"

Remember, these are just suggestions to get you started. Feel free to modify, combine, or further expand on these ideas to create a title that truly reflects the essence of your poem. Good luck with your creative process, and I hope you find the perfect title for your poem!