
Pot is to top as tip is to?

Ring is to sting as brick is to?

The first analogy reverses the letters.

In the second analogy, the words rhyme.

So, the 1st answer is pit?

The 2nd answer is lick? trick?

The first answer is correct.

I'm not sure about the second one.

Thank you!

You're welcome.

To solve analogies like these, we need to identify the relationship between the first pair of words and apply that same relationship to the second pair of words.

In the first analogy, the word "pot" is related to "top" because "top" is formed by rearranging the letters of "pot." Therefore, in the second pair of words, we need to find a word that can be formed by rearranging the letters of "tip." The word that fits this criterion is "pit."

Now let's move to the second analogy. The word "ring" is related to "sting" because "sting" is formed by taking the first letter of "ring" and adding it to the word "sting." Using the same logic, in the second pair of words, we are looking for a word that can be formed by taking the first letter of "brick" and adding it to another word. The word that fits this pattern is "stick."

To summarize:

Pot is to top as tip is to pit.
Ring is to sting as brick is to stick.