Question 18

Of the following sources, which would provide the most in-depth information?
full-text journal article from library database
newspaper article
article abstract from library database
general encyclopedia article

Question 19
Publication dates would be most important when researching which of the following?
the Civil War
the origins of Islam
the works of Mark Twain
Internet companies

Question 20
Your sources should be ________.
all of the above




Check 19 again.

I disagree with your choices for 20 -- but you're probably right.


C the works of Mark Twain

Don't you think that you need the very lastest information if you're researching internet companies?


18-A is correct

Question 18: To determine which source from the provided options would provide the most in-depth information, we need to understand the characteristics of each source:

- Full-text journal article from library database: This source is likely to provide in-depth information as it is a scholarly article published in a specialized academic journal. These articles go through a rigorous peer-review process and often contain comprehensive research findings.

- Newspaper article: While a newspaper article can provide valuable information, it usually provides a more general overview rather than in-depth analysis. Newspapers tend to cover current events and often provide shorter articles.

- Article abstract from library database: An article abstract is a summary of a journal article and usually provides a brief overview rather than detailed information. It is not likely to provide as much in-depth information as a full-text article.

- General encyclopedia article: A general encyclopedia article provides general information on a wide range of topics. While it can give a basic understanding, it may lack the depth and specificity required for comprehensive research.

Based on these characteristics, the most in-depth information is likely to be found in a full-text journal article from a library database (Option A).

Question 19: Publication dates are crucial for understanding the currency and relevance of information. Let's evaluate the options:

- The Civil War: Publication dates are less relevant for historical events like the Civil War since it occurred in the past, and new information is not regularly published. However, it is still essential to consider the publication date of the sources you use for your research to ensure they reflect the most current understanding of historical events.

- The origins of Islam: The origins of Islam are a historical subject, so publication dates are relevant for ensuring access to the most up-to-date research and interpretations of the topic.

- The works of Mark Twain: Publication dates are important for Mark Twain's works because his writings were published at different times throughout his career, and understanding the context in which they were created can be important for analysis.

- Internet companies: Publication dates are highly relevant for researching internet companies as the industry is constantly evolving. Recent information will provide insights into current market trends, innovations, and financial performance.

From these options, the topic where publication dates are most critical is "Internet companies" (Option D).

Question 20: The question is asking about the characteristics that sources should possess. Considering the provided options, let's evaluate each:

- Relevant: Sources should be relevant to the research question or topic. Irrelevant sources can waste time and cloud the understanding of the subject matter.

- Reliable: Sources should be reliable, meaning they are trustworthy, accurate, and supported by evidence. It is crucial to evaluate the credibility of sources by assessing the author's credentials, the publisher, and the methodology used.

- Recent: While not always required, recent sources are often valuable as they provide the most up-to-date information. Recent sources are particularly important when researching dynamic fields, current events, or rapidly changing topics.

Given that all the options listed are essential characteristics of good sources, the answer is "all of the above" (Option D).

Based on the evaluations above, the correct answers are:

18. A - full-text journal article from library database
19. D - Internet companies
20. D - all of the above