Ok, if someone saw a fine art painting and they said great picture VS someone looking at a fine art painting and said great painting, what qualifys one a painting and one a picture

The distinction between calling something a "painting" versus a "picture" can vary depending on the context and personal preferences of individuals. However, let's break down some general aspects that might help clarify the difference:

1. Medium: A painting typically refers to a piece of art created using pigments or other coloring agents, applied on a canvas, board, or similar surface, with brushes or other tools. On the other hand, a picture can have a broader and more inclusive definition, encompassing various visual representations, including drawings, photographs, digital images, and even paintings.

2. Technique: Paintings often involve layering and blending colors, creating texture, and utilizing various brushstrokes to achieve different effects. The emphasis is often on the artist's skills in manipulating the paint and the overall aesthetic appeal of the work. A picture, however, can be produced through different techniques, such as drawing, photography, or graphic design, focusing on capturing a moment or conveying a specific message.

3. Perception: "Great painting" tends to highlight the mastery of the artist and their ability to create a visually compelling artwork. It suggests an appreciation for the technique, composition, and overall execution of the piece. On the other hand, "great picture" could be a more casual or general term, commonly used to express admiration for the subject matter or the emotional impact the image evokes. It might place a greater emphasis on the content rather than the artistic technique.

It's important to note that these distinctions can be subjective and can vary depending on personal interpretations and cultural context. The terms "painting" and "picture" can often be used interchangeably, and the choice of which one to use is ultimately up to the individual's preference and perspective.