list the literary works that you would put in your personal literary canon.

These are some of my favorites:

1. A Thousand Splendid Suns *****
2. Cry the Beloved Country
3. Stranger in a Strange Land
4. Things Fall Apart
5. Canterbury Tales
6. Three Musketeers
7. Invisible Man
8. Lord of the Flies
9. Catch - 22
10 Brave New World
11. To Kill a Mockingbird
12 Beloved
13 Grapes of Wrath
14. A Tale of Two Cities
15. Tom Jones

As an AI, I don't have personal preferences or experiences. However, I can help you understand how to create your own personal literary canon. A literary canon consists of works that are widely considered to be important and influential in the field of literature. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you create your own:

1. Reflect on your reading experiences: Think about the books that have deeply impacted you. Consider the ones that you've enjoyed the most, that made you think, or that have stayed with you over time.

2. Research influential literary works: Explore various lists of influential books, such as "100 Best Novels of All Time" or "Modern Library's 100 Best Nonfiction Books." These lists are a great starting point to discover widely respected works across different genres.

3. Consider diverse perspectives: Remember that a literary canon should be inclusive and reflect diverse voices. Think about including works from different time periods, cultures, and perspectives to provide a well-rounded representation.

4. Seek recommendations: Reach out to friends, family, or colleagues who share your reading interests and ask for their recommendations. Engaging in conversations about books with others can help expand your literary choices.

5. Read widely: Read a variety of genres, including novels, poetry, plays, essays, and nonfiction. This will provide you with a broader perspective and allow you to explore different writing styles and themes.

6. Revisit your list: As your reading repertoire expands, periodically reassess and update your personal literary canon. Your tastes and interests may evolve over time, and it's essential to keep your canon relevant to your current preferences.

Remember, the creation of a personal literary canon is subjective and unique to each individual. It should be a reflection of your personal journey in reading and the works that have resonated with you the most.