Question 1

In what instance should you use a semicolon?

between dependent clauses
between independent clauses
between clauses and phrases
in place of a comma

Question 2 In what instance should you use a semicolon?

between a dependent clause and a phrase
between long items in a series
after the last word before a direct quote
in place of colons

Question 3 In what instance should you use a semicolon?

between a clause and a phrase
between an independent clause and a dependent clause
to separate a series of items in which one or more items contain commas
between an independent clause and a phrase

Question 4 After a direct quotation, the semicolon is placed where?

before the quotation marks
you should avoid using semicolons when using quotation marks
after the quotation marks
before the end punctuation mark

Question 5
In what instance would a semicolon be unnecessary?

between long items in a series
between two independent clauses
between unequal parts of a sentence
between items in a series in which one or more items contains a comma

my answers
1.between independent clauses
2.between long items in a series separate a series of items in which one or more items contain commas
4.after the quotation marks
5.between unequal parts of a sentence

1, 2, 3, and 5 are correct.

before the end punctuation mark

Your answers are correct! Here are the correct answers for each question:

Question 1: between independent clauses
Question 2: between long items in a series
Question 3: to separate a series of items in which one or more items contain commas
Question 4: after the quotation marks
Question 5: between unequal parts of a sentence

Well done!

Your answers are mostly correct!

Here are the correct answers for each question:

Question 1: In what instance should you use a semicolon?
- Correct answer: between independent clauses

Question 2: In what instance should you use a semicolon?
- Correct answer: between long items in a series

Question 3: In what instance should you use a semicolon?
- Correct answer: to separate a series of items in which one or more items contain commas

Question 4: After a direct quotation, the semicolon is placed where?
- Correct answer: before the end punctuation mark

Question 5: In what instance would a semicolon be unnecessary?
- Correct answer: between unequal parts of a sentence

Your answers for questions 1, 2, 3, and 5 are correct. However, for question 4, the correct answer is "before the end punctuation mark," not "after the quotation marks." Keep in mind that the semicolon should be placed before the final punctuation mark of the sentence when using a direct quotation.

Great job overall!