How would I write a quadratic equation having the given numbers as solutions

4i, -4i

factors would be

so x^2 - 16i^2 = 0
x^2 + 16 = 0

or x = ±4i
square both sides
x^2 = 16i^2
x^2 = -16
x^2 + 16 = 0

i liked YAY MATH! the best. it was funny but it also taught me alot, of ourcse i doubt i'll remember any of it in the mornin, but i watched the rest of the magician video and learned how to like multiply square routes or whatever, partially. i didn't really like the like math playground place, i got sorta confused there, but i like the like cool math one. i played this game though called like snorzies, i have no idea how i ended up on it, but that wasn't exactly related to math, but i saw some other things that were useful on the cool math page.

To write a quadratic equation having 4i and -4i as solutions, you can use the fact that complex solutions come in conjugate pairs.

Since the solutions 4i and -4i are conjugates, we can use the fact that conjugate pairs have the same real part and opposite imaginary parts.

Let's denote the unknown quadratic equation as ax^2 + bx + c = 0.

The real part of the solutions is 0, so the sum of the solutions is also 0.

Therefore, according to the sum of solutions formula for a quadratic equation, we have:

(-b / a) = 0

This implies that b = 0.

Since the only term in the quadratic equation that would give rise to imaginary solutions is the term involving the square root of -1 (i), we need to have i^2 in the equation.

i^2 = -1.

So, our quadratic equation becomes:

ax^2 + c = 0

Now, let's substitute the known solutions in the equation:

For the solution 4i: when x = 4i, we have a(4i)^2 + c = 0. Simplifying this, we get:

16ai^2 + c = 0

16a(-1) + c = 0

-16a + c = 0 (equation 1)

For the solution -4i: when x = -4i, we have a(-4i)^2 + c = 0. Simplifying this, we get:

16ai^2 + c = 0

16a(-1) + c = 0

-16a + c = 0 (equation 2)

Now, let's solve equations 1 and 2 simultaneously:

From equation 1, we have c = 16a.

Substituting this into equation 2, we get:

-16a + 16a = 0

0 = 0

This means that the equations are dependent, and there are infinitely many quadratic equations that have 4i and -4i as solutions.

However, an example of a quadratic equation that satisfies these conditions is:

ax^2 + 16a = 0

where a represents any nonzero real number.

To write a quadratic equation with the given solutions, follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the given solutions
The given solutions are 4i and -4i.

Step 2: Use the fact that complex solutions come in conjugate pairs
Since the given solutions are complex conjugates, the quadratic equation will have the form: (x - 4i)(x + 4i) = 0

Step 3: Simplify the equation
To simplify the equation, use the difference of squares formula:
(x - 4i)(x + 4i) = (x)^2 - (4i)^2 = x^2 - 16i^2

Step 4: Recall the definition of i^2
The definition of i^2 is -1.

Step 5: Replace i^2 with -1 in the equation
Substitute -1 for i^2 in the equation:
x^2 - 16(-1) = x^2 + 16 = 0
This is the final quadratic equation.

So, the quadratic equation with solutions 4i and -4i is:
x^2 + 16 = 0