Which is the best example of a conditioned response?

A. a gun-shy dog cowers when he sees a shotgun
B. a child flinches when a balloon bursts a foot from her face
C. a snail withdraws into its shell when someone pokes a stick at it
D. a dog perks up its ears and turns toward the source of an unexpected sound

(please include a very brief explanation why)

A conditioned response is one that occurs without regard to the original conditioned stimulus. It is now a learned behavior. A. a gun-shy dog cowers when he sees a shotgun would be the best answer because the dog is reacting to the gun in anticipation of it doing something that scares him...like fire, perhaps.

b. this is a response that is not learned or CONDITIONED. it is an involuntary response to a startling situation, and would not be answer.
c. again, this is an involuntary reflexive behavior, not a learned one
d. normal response as dog attends to a sound and this would not qualify

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The best example of a conditioned response among the options provided is A. a gun-shy dog cowering when he sees a shotgun.

A conditioned response refers to a learned response that results from associating a neutral stimulus with a specific stimulus that naturally triggers a response. In this case, the gun-shy dog cowers when he sees a shotgun because he has learned to associate the sight or sound of a shotgun with a negative experience like the loud noise it produces or previous negative consequences. The dog's response is therefore conditioned, as it is learned rather than being a natural or instinctual reaction to the stimulus.