$20768 the percentage for this is 21%

please help me through the formula on how this is done get 21%

This question , and your previous post, makes no sense

If you mean, "What is 21% of $20768?", just multiply $20768 by .21.

To calculate the percentage, you can use the following formula:

Percentage = (Part / Whole) * 100

In your case, the given amount is $20768, and you want to find out what percentage it represents. However, you also need to know the total amount (or whole) in order to calculate the percentage. Assuming that the total amount is unknown, we'll represent it as 'X.'

So, the formula becomes:

21% = (20768 / X) * 100

To solve for 'X' (the total amount), we need to isolate it. We can do this by rearranging the formula:

X = 20768 / (21 / 100)

Now, divide 21 by 100:

X = 20768 / 0.21

Calculating this division gives:

X = 98723.80

So, $98723.80 is the total amount. Therefore, $20768 represents 21% of $98723.80.