Does this sentence make sense for destitute:

The poor children of the village were left in destitute.


or ..left destitute

The poor children of the village were left destitute. look up the definition and you will see by the examples that this is the correct usage.

it issue is what part of speech is destiture? Noun or adjective?

in requires a noun, objective case; were
left requires an adjective, predicate adjective.

Yes, the sentence "The poor children of the village were left in destitute" is grammatically correct and makes sense for conveying the idea that the children are facing extreme poverty or lacking basic necessities.

To determine if the word "destitute" is used correctly in this sentence, we should consult a dictionary or trusted resource. Here's how you can do that:

1. Open a web browser and go to a reliable dictionary website such as Merriam-Webster ( or Oxford English Dictionary (
2. In the search bar on the website, type "destitute" and press Enter.
3. Look for the definitions of "destitute" or "destitute as an adjective."
4. Read through the definitions to understand the meaning of the word.

Once you have confirmed the meaning and usage of "destitute" as extreme poverty or lacking necessary resources, you can go back to the sentence and see if it fits appropriately. Based on the definition, it appears that the sentence is correct in stating that the children were left in a destitute condition.