d=55t I need to be shown the operations to get the answer. I really don't get this

If you know the value of t, multiply it by 55 to find d.

If you know the value of d, divide both sides by 55 to find t.

No problem, I can help you understand the operations needed to get the answer.

The equation you provided, d = 55t, can be used to calculate the distance (d) traveled at a constant speed of 55 units per time (t). Let's break down the operations step by step:

1. Determine the Value of 't': Firstly, you need to know the value of 't', which represents the time. This could be given in the problem or you might need to find it based on the given information.

2. Substitute the Value of 't' in the Equation: Once you have the value of 't', substitute it into the equation to find the corresponding distance 'd'. For example, if 't' is equal to 3, you would substitute it into the equation to get d = 55 * 3.

3. Evaluate the Equation: Perform the multiplication operation in the equation. In this example, multiply 55 by the value of 't' (which is 3): d = 55 * 3 = 165.

4. Determine the Distance: The final step is to determine the distance 'd' by evaluating the equation. In this case, the distance would be 165 units.

So, based on the given equation, the operation involved is multiplying the constant speed (55) by the value of 't' to calculate the distance 'd'.