Question 21

Select the most effective sentence.
Baxter worried about his English exam when he thought about it.
Baxter felt a pang of existential anxiety when he comtemplated his English exam.
When Baxter thought of his English test, he freaked out.
Thinking about the English exam, worry came over Baxter.

my answer
I want so say its B cause all the others don't make sense

Don't you even read the previous answers we've taken the trouble to answer?

To determine the most effective sentence, we can analyze the options provided and consider factors such as clarity, coherence, and precision.

Option A: "Baxter worried about his English exam when he thought about it."
This sentence is straightforward and conveys Baxter's concern about his English exam when he thinks about it. However, it may be somewhat repetitive in terms of the usage of "worry" and "think about."

Option B: "Baxter felt a pang of existential anxiety when he contemplated his English exam."
This sentence utilizes more sophisticated language, introducing the idea of "existential anxiety" and "contemplation." It adds depth to Baxter's emotions, providing a more vivid description of his feelings towards the exam.

Option C: "When Baxter thought of his English test, he freaked out."
This sentence uses informal language with "freaked out." While it conveys a strong emotional reaction, it lacks the precision and sophistication of option B.

Option D: "Thinking about the English exam, worry came over Baxter."
This sentence structures the phrase differently, placing "thinking about the English exam" at the beginning. However, it lacks the descriptive power and clarity seen in option B.

Considering these factors, option B, "Baxter felt a pang of existential anxiety when he contemplated his English exam," appears to be the most effective sentence. It communicates Baxter's heightened emotions and uses concise language with a touch of sophistication.

Yes, your answer that sentence B is the most effective is correct. Among the given options, sentence B "Baxter felt a pang of existential anxiety when he contemplated his English exam" is the most effective. It provides a more descriptive and vivid expression of Baxter's emotions compared to the other options. The other options either have less specific language or do not effectively convey the same level of concern or anxiety.