the circumference of the peg is 3 in.will the peg go through the hole that is 1 in.? Explain.

please help i am confused

1 inch in diameter? circumference? radius?

idk what does that mean

Study this site.

i know that but the question doesnt give me the radius or diameter

If you don't know what 1 inch is, you can't solve the question.

To determine if the peg can go through the hole, we need to compare the circumference of the peg to the diameter of the hole. The diameter of the hole is given as 1 inch.

1. First, let's understand the concept of circumference and diameter.
- The circumference of a circle is the distance around it, while the diameter is the distance across the circle passing through its center.
- Mathematically, the circumference (C) of a circle is calculated using the formula: C = π × d, where d is the diameter and π is a constant value approximately equal to 3.14.

2. Given the circumference of the peg is 3 inches, we can calculate the diameter of the peg using the formula for circumference.
- Rearranging the formula, we get: C = π × d ⟹ d = C / π.
- Plugging in the known values for the circumference (C = 3 inches) and π (approximately 3.14), we can determine the diameter of the peg by dividing 3 by 3.14: d = 3 / 3.14.

3. With the diameter of the peg calculated, we can now check if it can fit through the 1-inch hole.
- Since the diameter represents the widest distance across the circle, if the diameter of the peg is greater than the diameter of the hole, it will not fit.
- Comparing the diameter of the peg (calculated in step 2) with the diameter of the hole (1 inch), if the peg's diameter is greater than 1 inch, it will not fit. Otherwise, it will fit.

So, by following these steps, you can calculate the diameter of the peg and compare it with the diameter of the hole to determine if the peg can go through the hole.