The Relatioship between x and y is y=5x + 18

How does the value of y change when x increses form 1 to 4?

a. y increase by 15
b. y increase by 3
c. y decresases by 3
d y dercreased by 15

Help Prettty Pleassseee !

hint: what is y when x = 4?

what is y when x = 1?

Idk . how to even do ?

I think you should plug in when x=1,2,3,4

into the eqn. then see if it increase or decrease when you finish

Plug it into the eqn.




Get it?

the question wants you to understand the concept of rate of change or slope.

when x = 1, y = 23
when x = 4 , y = 38
so when x went from 1 to 4, a change of 3
y went from 23 to 38 , a change of 15

(notice the rate of change is 15/3 = 5, which matches the 5 in y = mx + b, in this case y = 5x + 18 )

To find out how the value of y changes when x increases from 1 to 4, we can use the equation y = 5x + 18.

Let's substitute x = 1 into the equation:
y = 5(1) + 18
y = 5 + 18
y = 23

Now, let's substitute x = 4 into the equation:
y = 5(4) + 18
y = 20 + 18
y = 38

To find how the value of y changes, we subtract the initial value of y (when x = 1) from the final value of y (when x = 4):
Final value of y - Initial value of y = 38 - 23 = 15

Therefore, the value of y increases by 15 when x increases from 1 to 4.

Hence, the correct answer is (a) y increases by 15.