Which type of bonding does Sr form upon solidification?


To determine the type of bonding formed by Sr upon solidification, we need to consider its position in the periodic table and its atomic structure.

Sr is the chemical symbol for strontium, which is in Group 2 of the periodic table. Group 2 elements are known as alkaline earth metals. These metals have two valence electrons, meaning there are two electrons in their outermost energy level.

Based on this, we can infer that Sr will form ionic bonding upon solidification. In ionic bonding, an atom loses or gains electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration. In the case of Sr, it will lose its two valence electrons to form a stable 2+ ion. This positive ion will then be attracted to negatively charged ions or anions to form an ionic compound.

So, to conclude, Sr will form ionic bonding upon solidification.

Sr (strontium) forms metallic bonding upon solidification.