Which of the following atoms is paramagnetic?

Zn, Sr, Kr, Te, Ca?
How do you tell if the atom is paramagnetic or not?

If it has unpaired electrons it is paramagnetic. For example,

Zn is atomic number 30. Electrons are
1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d10 4s2
No unpaired electrons
Co^+2 Co is atomic number 27.
1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d7
All electrons are paired in 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 and 3p6 since all of those orbitals are full. How about the 3d7? d orbitals can hole 10 electrons. Remember Hund's rule that electrons don't pair until forced; therefore, that would allow the 5 d electrons before pairing starts and two pair so there are 3 unpaired electrons.

To determine if an atom is paramagnetic or not, you need to consider its electron configuration and the presence of unpaired electrons. Paramagnetic atoms have unpaired electrons, which means they have at least one electron that occupies an orbital by itself.

Let's examine the electron configurations for each of the atoms listed:

- Zn (Zinc): The electron configuration of Zinc is [Ar]4s²3d¹⁰. In this configuration, all of the electrons are paired, so there are no unpaired electrons. Therefore, Zinc is diamagnetic.

- Sr (Strontium): The electron configuration of Strontium is [Kr]5s². Since all the electrons are paired in the 5s orbital, Strontium is diamagnetic.

- Kr (Krypton): The electron configuration of Krypton is [Ar]3d¹⁰4s²4p⁶. Again, all the electrons are paired, making Krypton diamagnetic.

- Te (Tellurium): The electron configuration of Tellurium is [Kr]4d¹⁰5s²5p⁴. In this configuration, there are four unpaired electrons present in the 5p orbital, making Tellurium paramagnetic.

- Ca (Calcium): The electron configuration of Calcium is [Ar]4s². Since all the electrons are paired in the 4s orbital, Calcium is diamagnetic.

Based on the analysis above, the atom that is paramagnetic is Tellurium (Te).

To determine whether an atom is paramagnetic or not, we need to consider its electron configuration.

Paramagnetic atoms have unpaired electrons, meaning that there is at least one electron in an orbital without a pairing partner.

Zinc (Zn) has an electron configuration of [Ar] 3d10 4s2, which means that all of its electrons are paired. Therefore, Zn is not paramagnetic.

Strontium (Sr) has an electron configuration of [Kr] 5s2, and all of its electrons are paired. Thus, Sr is not paramagnetic.

Krypton (Kr) has an electron configuration of [Kr] 5s2 4d10 5p6, and all of its electrons are paired. Hence, Kr is not paramagnetic.

Tellurium (Te) has an electron configuration of [Kr] 5s2 4d10 5p4. Here, there are two unpaired electrons in the 5p orbital. Thus, Te is paramagnetic.

Calcium (Ca) has an electron configuration of [Ar] 4s2. All of its electrons are paired, so Ca is not paramagnetic.

Therefore, the atom that is paramagnetic among the options given is Tellurium (Te).