
To simplify the expression (p-7)(p+8), you can use the FOIL method. FOIL stands for First, Outer, Inner, Last, and it helps you multiply two binomials.

The expression (p-7)(p+8) involves multiplying the terms in the first binomial (p-7) by the terms in the second binomial (p+8) in a systematic way.

Here's how you can apply the FOIL method:

1. Multiply the First terms: p * p = p^2
2. Multiply the Outer terms: p * 8 = 8p
3. Multiply the Inner terms: -7 * p = -7p
4. Multiply the Last terms: -7 * 8 = -56

Now, combine all these terms to simplify the expression:

p^2 + 8p - 7p - 56

The terms 8p and -7p can be combined to give:

p^2 + (8p - 7p) - 56

Simplifying further:

p^2 + p - 56

So, the expression (p-7)(p+8) simplifies to p^2 + p - 56.