I'm writing a paper based on the life of General Douglas MacArthur; however, I'm having trouble figuring out how to outline my report. My question is, how should I outline my report?

Are you writing a straight biography? If so, most are divided into

early career
later career
death and legacy

To outline your report on the life of General Douglas MacArthur, you can follow a basic structure that includes the key aspects of his life and career. Here is a suggested outline to help you get started:

1. Introduction
- Set the context for your report by briefly introducing General Douglas MacArthur.
- Provide some background information such as his full name, birthdate, and birthplace.
- Highlight his significance and notable accomplishments.

2. Early Life and Education
- Discuss MacArthur's family background, including information about his parents and upbringing.
- Describe his educational journey, including the schools he attended and any notable achievements.

3. Military Career
- Explore MacArthur's military career, including his accomplishments and notable promotions.
- Discuss his role in various conflicts, such as World War I, World War II, and the Korean War.
- Highlight any significant battles or operations he oversaw.
- Include any medals or honors he received for his service.

4. Leadership and Command Style
- Analyze MacArthur's leadership qualities and his approach to commanding troops.
- Discuss any innovations or strategies he implemented during his military career.
- Include anecdotes or examples that illustrate his leadership style.

5. Controversies and Challenges
- Address any controversies or challenges that MacArthur faced throughout his career.
- Discuss notable events such as his relief from command in Korea and his clashes with President Truman.
- Analyze the impact of these controversies on his legacy.

6. Post-Military Life and Retirement
- Explain what MacArthur did after retiring from the military.
- Discuss any contributions he made in various fields such as politics, academia, or public speaking.
- Highlight any honors or recognitions he received during his post-military life.

7. Legacy and Impact
- Wrap up your report by discussing MacArthur's legacy and the impact he had on the military and society.
- Analyze his lasting influence and any lessons that can be learned from his life and career.

Remember, this is just a suggested outline, and you can modify or expand it based on the specific focus of your paper. Make sure to include relevant historical context, use credible sources, and provide citations for any information you include. Good luck with your report!