what is plain folks, name calling, bandwagon, testimonial,and loaded terms.

thank you
and aply fast.

I searched Google under the key words "'plain folks'" to get this:


Use similar searches for your other terms.

In the future, you can find the information you desire more quickly, if you use appropriate key words to do your own search. Also see http://hanlib.sou.edu/searchtools/.

please no web sites because it takes a long time and i need the answer as soon as possible.

thank you

We are here to help you, but we do not do your work for you. I realize it takes more time and effort, but it will help you to learn the concepts better if you do the research yourself.

examples of propoganda

Plain folks, name calling, bandwagon, testimonial, and loaded terms are techniques commonly used in persuasion and propaganda. They are tools that aim to influence people's thoughts or actions by appealing to emotions or biases.

1. Plain folks: This is a persuasion technique where a speaker or advertiser presents themselves as an average, ordinary person to gain trust and appeal to the audience's sense of relatability. The idea is to create a connection with the audience by portraying themselves as someone who shares their values and understands their daily struggles. To identify the use of plain folks, look for language or imagery that portrays the speaker as a regular person, like mentioning their humble background or using simple language.

2. Name calling: Name calling is a persuasive technique where the speaker uses derogatory language or labels to discredit or devalue their opponents. This tactic aims to evoke negative emotions towards the opposing viewpoint or person, making the audience more receptive to the speaker's argument. Look for exaggerated and negative language or personal attacks on the opponent when identifying name calling.

3. Bandwagon: The bandwagon technique seeks to convince people to adopt a certain belief or behavior by suggesting that everyone else is already doing it. It appeals to the human desire to conform and be a part of a group. Advertisers often use phrases like "Join the millions who..." or "Everyone is doing it" to create a sense of peer pressure and convince people to follow the crowd. To identify the use of bandwagon, look for language that emphasizes the popularity or trendiness of a certain idea or product.

4. Testimonial: This technique involves using endorsements or testimonials from celebrities, experts, or satisfied customers to build credibility and persuade the audience. The idea is that if someone famous or respected endorses a product or idea, it must be trustworthy and worth adopting. Look for direct quotes or statements from well-known individuals or people claiming positive experiences when identifying testimonials.

5. Loaded terms: Loaded terms are emotionally charged words or phrases that are used to influence the audience's perception of a particular topic or person. They are designed to arouse strong emotions and biases that may make people more inclined to accept or reject a certain idea. Look for words with strong connotations or positive/negative associations when attempting to identify loaded terms.

Remember, it is important to critically analyze information and be aware of these persuasion techniques to avoid being unduly influenced.