Multiply. Use the partial-products algorithm.

87 x 65

Not sure how to use the partial-product algorithm.

This site explains this algorithm

(Broken Link Removed)

5660 if im correct if not I will have to recheak it im only in 5 grade!

To use the partial-products algorithm for multiplication, follow these steps:

Step 1: Break down each number into its place value parts.
- In this case, 87 can be broken down as 80 + 7, and 65 can be broken down as 60 + 5.

Step 2: Multiply each part of the first number by each part of the second number.
- Multiply 80 by 60, 80 by 5, 7 by 60, and 7 by 5.

Step 3: Add up the products from Step 2 to get the final result.

Let's apply these steps to 87 x 65:

Step 1:
- 87 can be broken down as 80 + 7.
- 65 can be broken down as 60 + 5.

Step 2:
- Multiply 80 by 60:
- 80 x 60 = 4800.
- Multiply 80 by 5:
- 80 x 5 = 400.
- Multiply 7 by 60:
- 7 x 60 = 420.
- Multiply 7 by 5:
- 7 x 5 = 35.

Step 3:
- Add up the products from Step 2:
- 4800 + 400 + 420 + 35 = 5655.

So, 87 x 65 = 5655 using the partial-products algorithm.